
Machine to cut cubes of fresh meat for pre-salting before mincing from a whole raw material put in a large volume cutting chamber.
The content of the chamber is pushed through a tool with two alternative cuttings and a rotating blade. This machine has a 3D cutting system.
The TRI02 Supreme hydraulic slicer combines hydraulic power and reliability with electronic control.

Productivity will depend on the slicing section which defines the cycle time.
Example, for a section of 10 mm with a block of reconstituted ham of 120 x 120 x 500 mm,
the productivity will be
1 800 kg / h
Loading chamber capacity : 7 kg of fresh meat
Height : 120 mm
Width : 120 mm
Length : 500 mm
Power: electrical control, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical power.
Materials: stainless steel and polymers
The rules dictated by EHEDG for the manufacture of machines dedicated to the food industry allow us an optimum design in order to meet your sanitary requirements :
This material is in conformity with the following directives and bills:
Food contact: EC1935/2004
Good manufacturing practice: EC2023/2006
Machines: EC2006/42
CEM: EC 2004/108
The TRI02 combines hydraulic power and reliability with electronic control.
Ease of cleaning thanks to a design taking into account agri-food constraints.
Ergonomics of the loading station optimizing the gestures and movements of the operators.
Integrated weighing to manage batches of meat and recipes.
A touch screen makes the communication easier between the operator and the machine. The screen includes a self-diagnostic system displaying a picture of the faulty component for example.
The boners can store the boneless pieces on the machine platform. The operator will simply slide the pieces of meat or the reconstituted products into the pre-chamber.